Pebworth Bells

Learn about the art and science of bell ringing
Change Ringing Basics Graphic

Change Ringing Basics

Notes and articles about the more general aspects of change ringing.


Find out what makes 120, 720 and 5040 such important numbers and what is the difference between doubles and caters?

The Sound of Bells

The Sound of Bells is an explanation of the science and music of bells for ringers…. All the things you might want or need to know.


Bell Ringers use a lots jargon… This page contains lots of information to help you understand that terminology and language.

Bell Handling

Information about learning to ring and videos explaining how learners are taught.

How a Bell Works

Watch a bell being raised and see how we balance the bell pointing up at the roof! Find out about the parts of a bell installation.

Ringing Videos

A Collection of interesting videos from the web about ringing and bells.

Place Notation

x16x16x16, 12 is actually Plain Bob Minor in bell ringers short hand called place nation. Learn how to read and write this gibberish! 

Conducting and Composing

If you fancy calling touches, quarter peals or peals, then reading this page might prove very helpful.