Striking Rounds...
8 bell games
Now that you can identify which bell is striking wrong, it is time to make things a little harder. In the Striking 8 Bell Rounds game, the bells are still ringing rounds, but the errors now could be at handstroke or at backstroke… and it could be that a bell is late or early… so quite a lot more options.
With 8 bells, hand stroke and backstroke, early or late, there are theoretically 32 potential answers to each test, but we will only give you 6 to choose from….
One answer will be correct, one will be close…. the others will definitely be wrong.
The hardest part of these tests will be deciding whether one bell is early, or the preceding bell was late… hence the ‘nearly right’ bit!
Below you can see two incorrectly struck changes… Both involve the 4 and 5 being too close together. We can see that 1-3 are perfect in all three rows, as are 6-0. The issue is with 4 and 5 and where the bigger gap is. When 4 is late the gap is between 3 and 4. When 5 is early, it is between 5 and 6.
- Correct Striking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Bell 5 is Early 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Bell 4 is Late 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
If you find the nearly right answer, you will want to think carefully and then choose the right bell… You can work this out without listening again…. although listening again might still be a good idea too!
If you manage to correctly identify the bell which is mis-striking… Well done! But now try to work out which is the nearly right answer… It may not always be as obvious as you think!
To make the layout easier to use, we are using the following codes:
- H = Hand stroke
- B = Back stroke
- E = Early
- L = Late
- e.g. 2HE = bell 2 is early at hand stroke.
We have split the games up into 3 graded rounds… 1 being easiest and 3 the hardest. Click the buttons to jump to a specific round.