Twineham Group
Twineham group methods are another easy step on for those that have rung St Simon’s and St Martin’s, but with even easier back work and Bobs!
Print our Crib Sheet
We understand that it is not always possible to look at an online page when inside a tower that has three foot thick stone walls… and some folks just like to have something tangible….
So to help, we have produced crib sheet which prints as a two sided A4 sheet. (If your printer can print both sides, remember to set it to short edge binding so the second page prints the right way up!)
The crib sheet contains most of the information you see on this web page, but formatted for A4 paper!

Bampton Place Doubles
Related to St Martin’s…
- Same Front work…
- and same back work!
- Standard plain hunt starts.
123 Lead End is the only difference.
Different coursing order.
- St Martin’s 2, 4, 5, 3.
Bampton 2, 4, 3, 5.
Different Place Bell order…
- St Martin’s 2, 3, 5, 4.
Bampton 2, 5, 3, 4,

Passing the Treble...
- Passing the Treble like most methods is key to knowing where you are….
Pass the treble in 2-3 (purple ring)… go to the back and become 5th place bell.
Pass the treble in 4-5 (green ring)… you are the pivot bell… lie, 3rds, lie and pass treble in 5-4 down.
Pass the treble in 3-4 (orange ring)… Lie and then start the front work… passing the treble in 3-2 on the way down.
- Pass the treble in 1-2 (yellow ring)… Make Seconds… 2nds place bell.

Treble and Tenor tips...
Tips for the Treble:
The bells are different on the way up and down.
AB CD > CD AB so a pair at the front and a pair at the back…
In the next lead, all bells move in the order, with one of the back pair moving to the front and vice versa.
Tips for covering…
All bells are in 5th for at least 2 blows (back and hand).
One bells will not appear at the back between treble visits and one bells will appear twice.

125 Bobs… (so like a normal St Martin’s or Plain Bob plain lead).
4ths Place bell will make second’s and be unaffected…
2nds place bell will dodge 3-4 up becoming 3rds place bell…
5th place bell dodges 3-4 down to become 4th place bell…
3rds place bell makes 4 Blows behind to become 5th place bell.

Alternative Front Works
Twineham Group is just like St Simon’s or St Nicholas, and we can apply 4 same front work patterns.
- Bampton has places and is similar to St Martin’s front work.
- Twineham has dodges and is similar to St Simon’s from to work.
- Fifield has a single wrong dodge and is similar to St Osmond.
- St Ouen hass a double lead and long 2nds, just like Eynesbury.

There are 2 possibilities for touches.
- A bob course which is 4 leads, (so the same length as a plain course)
Alternate leads will yield 60 changes… which is ideal for the final element in a quarter peal. (call either 3 or 5, four behind 3x).
There are 2 possibilities for extents….
- Call any bell as 2nds observation. (4 possibilities)
Miss 1 lead per course… the observation is the bell making seconds… but it is affected at every other point…
This group would extend very easily… it is just plain hunt, beyond the from work.
We have included a link to Blue Line for what will be Twineham Triples if anyone ever rings it.
We have also included a link to the CCCBR Library page for Batman doubles… from the link at the bottom, it can be seen that nothing beyond doubles has ever been rung!